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Other than being a strong animal within the realm of wildlife, they mate for life, and can be very independent on their own but do like to run in a pack. So, different people may say different things.

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Q: What does a wolf tattoo stand for?
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Where can you find wolf tattoo designs?

If one is interested in seeing a variety of wolf tattoo designs, there are many online resources, such as Tumbler, Photo Bucket and Pinterest. There are also many tattoo websites such as Tattoo Finder, Tattoo Johnny, Tattoo Easily and Mad Scar, among others.

What do wolf tattoo symbolize?

the wolf in many cultures represents strength leadership and loyalty

What are the release dates for Teen Wolf - 2011 Tattoo 3-1?

Teen Wolf - 2011 Tattoo 3-1 was released on: USA: 3 June 2013

What Minneapolis tattoo parlor is best known for wolf tattoos?

The Sea Wolf Tattoo parlor is best known for their wolf tattoos. St. Sabrina's, Uptown, and Leviticus are other good options for getting tattooed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What does Justin Bieber tattoo stand for?

His tattoo stands for his old girlfriend he had in canada

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What does Taylor Lautner's tattoo stand for?

Taylor Lautner has a tribal tattoo on his right arm that represents strength, family, and protection. It is a Polynesian design with intricate patterns and shapes that hold personal significance for him.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Samoa?

You can have a tattoo anytime, usually from your teens, as long as you can stand the pain!

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What does the letter a stand for in a tattoo?

it stands for the letter A

Does Justin Bieber have real tattoo's?

Yes jb has a real tattoo and its a bird to stand for freedom

What does the tattoo 757 stand for?

Hampton Roads, Virginia