1 tear drop = 10 years in prison
THAT YOUR AN IDIOT FOR HAVING IT DONE! CUZ IT DAMAGES YOUR SKIN!!!Another AnswerIt may be a variation of the teardrop tattoos under the eyes. Teardrop tattoos are a sign that someone has killed, and the number of tears is the number of bodies. Sometimes is a sign of remorse, sometimes is a boast.
a sun tattoo can mean the quintesential giver of life or can also symbalize god in some religions. i have one on my left arm.
you lost a loved one ?
NOTHING. it means you have a tattoo on your left arm. stop looking for meaning in trivial tattoo stuff. it just isn't there.
1 tear drop = 10 years in prison
There are an unlimited number of things that a butterfly tattoo on the left shoulder could symbolize. It could symbolize peace for example.
THAT YOUR AN IDIOT FOR HAVING IT DONE! CUZ IT DAMAGES YOUR SKIN!!!Another AnswerIt may be a variation of the teardrop tattoos under the eyes. Teardrop tattoos are a sign that someone has killed, and the number of tears is the number of bodies. Sometimes is a sign of remorse, sometimes is a boast.
If it is under the left eye then it means that the person has murdered two people. Tho if it under the right eye it could mean a few thing like losing a close family member or friend. But i know the right eye doesnt mean murder.
a sun tattoo can mean the quintesential giver of life or can also symbalize god in some religions. i have one on my left arm.
In the Yakuza, a successfully committed crime like a murder is indicated by black rings tattooed around the arms; i don't know the specific significance of a double ring but it may be related to this, or be a take-off of it, like the teardrop tattoo for people who like the look but have never done anything that the criminal society would award it for.
No !!!
The teardrop tattoo or tear tattoo is a symbolic tattoo that is placed underneath the eye. This tattoo originated with Chicano gangs in California. The meaning was that the wearer had killed someone. Since then, the meaning of the tattoo has, "strayed from its gang roots and is open to meanings.Now, there are various meanings and variations of the teardrop tattoo, which can symbolize losing a loved one or spending time in prison. It is also often used in prison to warn other convicts that the wearer has killed. Some gangs adhere to strict dress codes. A common gang "uniform" consists of khaki pants with sharp creases ironed down the front of each leg, a white T-shirt worn under a plaid flannel shirt, and a bandana. The way the clothing is worn and the color of the clothing varies with the individual gangs. For example, members of some Hispanic gangs wear their shirts buttoned only at the collar, while black gangs wear their shirts open.Certain gangs also favor one side of their bodies. For example one gang may favor the left side of their bodies by wearing their hats turned towards the left, the left leg of their pants rolled up and a bandana on their left side. While their rival gang will favor the right side of their bodies and wear the same type of clothing, on the right side of their bodies.
I will try and answer this.. I am not sure which goes where but one is for tribute to a friend or family and the other is for taking a life of a rival,but please don't quote me on this I was also given that explanation for the placement of a teardrop tattoo, by a young Vietnamese man that used to do my nails. If you are still unsure, you might try calling a few local tattoo parlors and ask them for the proper interpretation.
her tattoo says just breathe in cursive under her left breast
you lost a loved one ?
Symbolism of a Teardrop TattooI have heard it means eitherA. you have killed someone without going to jailB. it means you have lost someoneC. you have seen someone killed orD. (on right not filled in means watched someone being killed)what i dont get is why the cops dont notice it yet weirdMeans you've murdered someone.E. It means you make poor decisions and are a drain on society.