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Birds are meant to fly, so tying down their wings symbolizes a loss of freedom, being stuck or trapped in place, or having your abilities hidden or held down. It's a sad meaning, really.

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Q: What does a tattoo of a bird with the wings tied down mean?
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What do wings mean in a tattoo?

Freedom, sincerity, angels, it could mean lots of things. Be more specific to get a clearer answer.

What does you are a bird without wings in a cage that is to small mean?

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Is birds wings a pronoun?

No, both 'birds' and 'wings' are nouns, the plural form of the nouns 'bird' and 'wing'.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronouns that take the place of the nouns 'birds' or 'wings' are they as a subject, and them as an object in a sentence.If you are trying to say 'the wings of the bird', then the noun 'bird' must be in the possessive form to show that the wings belong to the bird: the bird's wings.Or, if you mean 'the wings of the birds', you need the plural possessive form for the plural noun birds: the birds' wings.

What do tribal wings in a tattoo mean?

Wings are typically symbolise freedom. This can be freedom from many things. Independence from the norm, from a struggle in life that they've risen above, or they may just have a thing for wings.

What is the symbolism of a lyre bird tattoo?

It can often mean lying or deceit or overcoming one of these things.

What does 'You did not stoop' mean?

Stoops is a hunting technique adopted by a bird of prey. It refers to the action of swooping downwards to catch its prey. Whilst performing this motion the bird folds its wings then swoops down at the unsuspecting prey with talons out to hold the victim.

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Spearchuck is to throw (chuck) a spear.