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This has always been, and still is now, a prison tattoo. Traditionally speaking, the tear was meant to denote loss and grief, be it from losing a loved one or your freedom. They were almost always hollow tears, meaning that they had no fill and were only outlines, but a lot of people now get them filled in…which is usually black since this is the only color that you can easily have and make in prison, and anymore a filled in tear means that you have killed, and a hollow one still means what it always has. Still though, it all depends on who you ask. Sometimes the amount of tears that you have on your face can denote how long you were in, as each tear can represent a singular term incarcerated, or it can be the amount of children you have, and the tears are for them. Fairly subjective design anymore to have, but it is SOLELY a prison tattoo. It is not meant for "regular" people to have.

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