if he does it all the time, hes flirty .
when guys play fight/tickle/trytoo scare you / come up behind you and pinch your sides... its flirting,
hope this helpsss, xxx-bbx Brreee , <33333
He want to flick your bean or if your a guy he wants to toung punch your fartbox!
yes you should right in the temple as hard as you can
If you're ugly be happy. If you're pretty punch him.
Because he likes you
Punch them in the face
It means that he probably likes you. If the feelings are mutual, lean your head on his shoulder. If not... well, don't.
He is trying to get your attention or doesn't want you to get away.
The punch is behind the guy laying in the hammock
If a guy has his leg and shoulder touch you in the movies, it means he wants to get closer to you. It means he likes you and wants to be more physical with you. Holding his hand or a quick hug would be a good response.
it proably means he likes you yet your still in the friend zone
I think it depends on the girl. Personally, I wouldn't do it. Only on my boyfriend's or extremely close friend's shoulder but otherwise no. But again, it depends on the girl.