

Best Answer

just regular just a littel taller than an 11 looking a littel grown up

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Q: What does a normal 12 year old girl look like?
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Is it normal for a 12 year old girl to weigh 107 and is 4'11?

That's is perfectly normal! Skinny almost depending on how u look.

What should your privets look like as a 14 year old girl?

By then it will start to look like a woman's

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All I can say is I'm a 13 year old girl and I have plate-like discs in my breasts too, so hopefully that's normal.

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You mean you don't know what a ten year old girl looks like? Ten year old girls look like any other younger girl, don't they? First of all why do you care? Second of all if your a do your a perv.

What will the 2014 girl of the year look like?

I heard that her name is Blanche

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Is it normal for a twelve year old girl to like the cheetah girls?

I think it's really not normal i mean 12...........[SPEECHLESS]

What do a 13 year old girl's breasts look like?

Are you sure about this because a 13 year olds breasts would look like a womans breasts

How does a 10 year old homeschooled girl get a 12 year old public schooled guy to like her?

Be normal. Be your self but look cuter than usual! Good luck girl friendAnswerMaybe there are some home games at the public school that you could attend. He might see you there.

What will American girl of the year 2014 look like?

I heard that her name is Blanche

Can a 17- year guy go out with 13- year girl?

No, it will make you look like a freak and a paedo and like josh and hayley.