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At one moth you will mostly just see blood and maybe a small clump.

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Q: What does a miscarriage look like at one month?
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What does a miscarriage look like if it's one month along and is there very little bleeding?

At one month there is nothing there but very little tissue. Alot of women just experience the same symptoms as a bad period.

How does a one month baby look like?

Kind of like a seahorse

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Is smoking weed bad for you if your one month pregnant?

It can cause harm to the fetus. I had a miscarriage from smoking.

What can cause a miscarriage if you have been pregnant for one week?

Something as simple as a sneeze can cause you to miscarriage. Generally, however, you don't know that you're one week along and can miscarry without knowing that you were pregnant. This miscarriage type of miscarriage can result in some heavier-than-normal bleeding and such.

Is it necessary to see a doctor if you had a miscarriage at one month?

Yes it is. They have to make sure everything is out so you don't get infections.

Can this be implantation bleeding you miss your period for 1 month then on the first of the next month you have light bleeding for one day and passed a small blood clot?


What does a misscarriage look like and what are the tissues look like is it supposed to look like a pattern and its red?

I've only had one miscarriage at about two months. It just looked like a big blood clot about the size of a man's fist. There weren't any tissues or a pattern. Just a bloody glob of stuff.

How likely is a second miscarriage after already having one miscarriage?

After one miscarriage you are no more likely than before to miscarry again.

How do you ask what month is next month?

You can ask "Which month comes after this month?" or "What is the month after this one?" to inquire about the upcoming month after the current one.

What does a dead body look like after one month in house?

it would smell and be decomposing little by little, with a horrible stench

8 days after a miscarriage is it fine to have protected sex?

You should wait one month due to the higher risk of infection since your cervix is still open.