it means they want to visiously rape you up are soft warm luminecent but
No, he just like you
I'll bet you know the answer. He wants to kiss you. He's pretending his arm is you.
arm y it mean arm
It means a little soft tickle on your face or arm. Or butterfly kiss is when you put your eye lashes together with another person's eye lash.
Kiss Kiss Kiss.
It could just be a friendly thing, or it could be because she likes you. I wouldn't ask her unless she shows other signs though.
arm y it mean arm
Take it slow first put your arm around her then move closer next when she is not looking give her a kiss
no seeing i am a girl take it slow go to dinner with her and slowly as you are leaving put your arm around her neck and kiss her do not rush it
means 2 kiss hunny
Usually, if a guy is pulling you closer, that means he wants to kiss you. If it's a teasing pull, and more sexual, it might mean he wants you in bed. If this is something you want, go for it. If he doesn't kiss you right away, kiss him. It just means he loves you. If you DON'T want it, tell him that. If you two are in a HEALTHY relationship, he should listen to you and stop right away.
she wants you too kiss her