it means you are not superficial, not fake, or like everyone else he meets, you stand out and unique in a positive manner
When a guy says you're refreshing, it means he finds you different in a positive way compared to other people he has interacted with. You bring a sense of renewal or vitality to his life through your unique qualities or perspectives. It is likely a compliment on your ability to bring something new or positive to the conversation or relationship.
well when a guy says youre then that means hes not really into the subject of topic that ur takin about....=-)
He means you're dimwitted, not a fast walker, and/or you don't want to rush your romantic relationship.
It means that you should find a boyfriend who does not think you're embarrassing. btw: It might also mean you're a tb
He is crazy about you.. Believe me :D
That means youre whipped. She did good with you..
well he probably likes u. that or u mean alot to him as a friend. probably the first one.
If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.
if youre a girl you say aww and ily too if your a guy say thank you cutie
If youre already over him dont bother. But if your still into him take the opportunity. :-) Hope this helps
Go out with a small group of people, this way he has other people to talk with but you are still taking him out.
It means he is the problem....not you
Dude he wants to do IT!!!!!