uh...well it depends on what you were talking about to begin with....if its like sexual then he means like... he wont...like do it hard like... so it doesnt hurt... idk what else he could have been talking about...
That mean the guy just want to have sex and they have to figure out a place and time
If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.
It means he is the problem....not you
Dude he wants to do IT!!!!!
He likes you
"Can I have you?" means, "Can I have sex with you?".
He likes you
it means he would like to see you tomorrow but if he is a shy person then its a way of getting you to ask him to hang out hope it answers your question
If a guy is jealous talk to him about it and if he says no look at the faces he makes when you talk to him and say are you sure cuz i think Ill do it again then see what he says
It implies that the guy thinks you are gay.