When a guy gives you flowers it means he is trying to court you, or let you know he likes you. He may be falling in love with you.
just go along with it, she will eventally get around. and tell her she looks beautiful and everything, give her flowers too, every girl likes a guy that gives her flowers..
If a guy gives you a valentine present and youa re not dating it might mean that he is interested in you!
When a boy gives a girl some flowers, it can mean many different things. He could be trying to be polite and a gentlemen by bringing you the flowers. He could also like you more than a friend and finds you attractive.
when a guy gives a quick squeeze while hugging, it means that he likes you.
Everytime a guy gives you attention, it does not mean that he likes you.
You don't get a guy to want to marry you. Its unfortunate to have to be so blunt with regard to that, but the truth of the matter is simple. He either does or he does not. He's not the right guy if you want different things and you have to consider the quality of that relationship in the event that he actually gives in and marrys you. Its like this. If you have to ask someone to send you flowers, what does it mean really when you get the flowers? Its the same with marriage. If it doesn't come from his heart, it never will. Hope this helps.
it means that they like you!
Flowers are expensive to buy. Perhaps the guy can't afford to buy this gift for you regularly.
He likes you.
your ugly and frigid.
He probably really likes you.