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If they're cute- smile and wink back. if they aren't- just smile.

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11mo ago

It could mean she is flirting or teasing playfully. He can reciprocate with a smile or a wink back if interested. If unsure, he can observe her body language for further clues on her intentions.

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Q: What does a guy do when a girl winks at them?
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Why would a guy smile at a girl when she smiles laugh when she laughs and smirk a little when she blushes or blush when she winks at him?

They like each other.

Who is the guy who winks on the alpen advertisement?

Is it ben batt? (Joe from shameless)

What does it mean when a girl winks at a girl?

Nothing in particular. Perhaps they both know a secret?

What does it mean when a boy smiles and winks at a girl?

Probaly love!

Why does a guy winks at another guy?

Usually, they are referring to an inside joke or something only the both of them know. It's very similar to girl language, where they can just look at each other and know exactly what the other is thinking.

What does it mean when a girl you never seen before winks at you?

it means she is interested :)

Who is the girl that winks her eye in the bird man pop bottles video?

Her Name Is Maseka

What is the first thing that usually goes threw a guys head when a girl winks at him with a smile and giggle?

he think the girl likes him

What does it mean when a guy winks at a girl while he's talking to one of his friends?

It either means that they are talking about you and they think that you are hot or that he just likes you. But dont get all worked up because they are probably joking around

When a guy jokes around that doesnt have anything to do with you means he likes you?

NoO unlesS he winks at u ;) oR somee

Flirting moves for girls?

when walking past the guy grab his hand while u walk away. give him little flirty winks and smiles. when walking past the guy grab his hand while u walk away. give him little flirty winks and smiles.

Is it still a wink when you look over at your crush and she already has one eye closed?

No, I'm sorry. But if she looks at you with one eye closed, opens it and then winks, then yes. (Though if a girl likes a guy, they usually don't wink.)