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she's saying the thing u did was nice and good. It's a good meaning.

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Q: What does a girl mean if she says somthing you did was cute?
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What does it mean a girl says he is so cute?

She is attracted.

What does it mean when your friend asks a girl what you think about another friend and she says his cute?

It means what she says!

What does it mean when a girl says your cute but then never talks to you anymore?

The girl may say you are cute and no longer talks because she is waiting on you to speak first.

What happens when a girl says your cute?

well it might mean that she is saying ur cute like i tel my friends that their cute but in a little kid cute ya know

What does hey baby mean when a preteen boy says it to a preteen girl?

Chances are that he thinks your cute.

What is something cool to say when a girl says you are cute?

say so are you (if you mean it) and smile when you say it.

What does it mean when a girl calls me cutie-?

Likes you. If she says it a lot, then she really likes you

Does a girl like you if she says your hilarious and cute?


What does it mean when a girl says your cute?

It means exactly that. And, if she had the guts to say that to you, she's probably intrested in you. She probably want to get to know you better.

What does it mean if a girl gives you nicknames?

I might mean she likes you. If it sounds cute and if he she says it all the time instead of your real name the. It might mean she likes you

What does it mean when a girl says a guy is cute?

It means she just wants to be firends and doesn't like you "that way" enjoy bing lonely

What does it mean when i guy says your cute?

He likes you