This past summer I had a few doves in my yard. At first I thought the sound (not cry) was an owl, but when I saw and listened closer the sound is a very sad like 'coooo, coooo', this is to attract mates. Maybe this is why people call it crying.
They sound like babies crying. We hear them every night in the summer and they sound just like a newborn baby crying.
It is not a disease its a disorder called the cry of the cat thus the infant sound like a cat crying. It is caused by genetics
well the sound that it makes is kind like a crying sound, or mostly like a whistle!
Dove as a bird has the very short sound for 'o', dove as the past participle of 'to dive' has the long 'o' sound.
coo sound
Each moshling makes a sound. Some moshlings may sound like they are crying.
The bird name (the noun "dove") has a short U (duv), rhyming with love and shove.The verb dove (past tense of to dive) has a long O sound, to rhyme with cove and wove.
A duck makes the sound "quack". It is a vocalization most commonly associated with these waterfowl.
Get surround sound, and listen to the direction of the crying baby. Then look on the screen in the direction of the sound.
because it hurts no
Well Mourning Dove's have that part of there name "Mourning " , Because of the sad lonely sound there Calling sound makes .
Doves make a cooing sound, which varies from species to species.