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obsession with negativity

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Q: What does a broken heart with crossbones tattoo symbolize?
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What does the heart and crossbones tattoo symbolize?

I'd imagine something along 'love until death'...

What does a tattoo of a heart mean?

A tattoo of a heart could just easily symbolize love of something.

What does a lion paw print tattoo symbolize?

heart in the beast

What does a plain heart tattoo symbolize?

Usually it stands for love

What does a knife going through the heart tattoo symbolize?

My dads love

What tattoo symbolize's family?

A tattoo which symbolizes family depends on you, its what you see your family as, it has to be something close to your heart :) however, a tree tatt can symbolize family, hope this helped :)

What does a tattoo of a ace with a heart in the middle symbolize?

Its the sacrad heart of jesus its a kind of catholic or cristian type of thing

What does a tear drop on a heart tattoo symbolize?

A teardrop tattoo usually means that someone died. A heart stands for love. A tear drop in a heart probably means that someone that they love died.

What could symbolize abandonment or heart break?

broken heart that no one answered this question.

What tattoo would symbolize loving you stepson?

Tattoos are permanent, so one must be sure of their design. To symbolize loving a son, one could get a tattoo of a heart, the mother symbols of different cultures, or a tattoo of something that makes a mother think of him.

What does a tattoo of a heart with barbed wire around it symbolize?

Symbolism can be unique to the individual, but there are two interpretations I've been told by guys with that tattoo: A heart encircled by thorns is a common image in Christianity, and substituting barbed-wire for the thorns is a "modernized" image of an expression of faith. Another guy told me it meant his heart was a fortress, and would never be taken or broken.

What does Jennifer's heart with wings tattoo symbolize?

a death.... a loved one dieing and traviling to heaven.... your love is an angel