If you are talking about the USMC Blood Stripe this is a link to a quick down and dirty litte article that will tell you about that piece of MC History. OORAH
The ox tattoo may symbolize quite a number of things. The common significances of the ox tattoo include determination, endurance, service, wisdom, common sense and so much more.
Tattoos, even one of a calf, do not have specific meanings. The meaning of a tattoo varies among the person getting the tattoo.
Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.
Nothing at all,,unless you have your own meaning behind it
I would assume that any tattoo of the number 1917 would be a reference to the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia-the first, and only revolution to bring the working to power.
A dagger tattoo symbolizes death.
A black swan tattoo can symbolize man different things. It could symbolize that the owner of it is peaceful and graceful. Swans are mainly known to symbolize grace.
Purple is a color of royalty. Dragonflies symbolize good luck. A purple dragonfly tattoo is therefore a very good tattoo to have.
There are an unlimited number of things that a butterfly tattoo on the left shoulder could symbolize. It could symbolize peace for example.
A butterfly koi tattoo can symbolize a great many things. A butterfly koi can symbolize faith, trust, hope, and love.
A Scales tattoo could symbolize justice, or the person with the ink could believe in astrology and be a Libra.
A fish bone tattoo symbolizes high status. The fish bone tattoo was popular among Native American tribes to symbolize their ranking.
Moon tattoos often symbolize motion and change. A tattoo of the earth can symbolize many things, however, it best symbolizes life.
A tattoo crown symbolizes authority and loyalty
A tattoo crown symbolizes authority and loyalty