(From my guess)Its like the weirdest hug ever! Its when your hugging and your cheeks are pressed together.
Its one of those hugs where you make a last decision to change the side you hug on and end up on the same side as the other person, but it would be too awkward to cage position again so your stuck there...well that's how I see it some people like those hugs but I find them weird!
(Or) its a culture thing where the person feels really close to you with some other meaning.
A cheek-to-cheek hug typically signifies a warm and friendly greeting between friends or acquaintances. It conveys a sense of familiarity and affection, but is not as intimate as a full hug. The act of touching cheeks can also symbolize a sense of closeness and connection between individuals.
Hug = abraçocuddle = an affectionate, amorous hug.
In Welsh, you say "cwtsh" to mean hug.
she probably just wants to get to know you better
"abrazarse"= to hug (someone) abrazarte= to hug yourself. "te doy un abrazo" (I hug you)
a bunny hug is referred to as a hooded sweatshirt in Saskatchewan
she likes you, or wanted a hug. depends on your realitionship,
To hug. Grammtically it's imperative. You can translate it as "hug me".
It means "I hug you".
hug him tight? obv
There is no such thing as a half hug. it's just a hug or no hug. When he says you don't hug him like you are supposed to that just means he wants hugs.
Hugception well it really just means that she feels better when you hug her because she is to scared to