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Caribbean Chao is another name for the shiny two-toned green chao in Sonic. It is bright green with teal-like highlights on its hands, feet, rear, and head. You can get one by mating a shiny pink chao with any jewel chao (Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, etc.)

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Can you make a chaos chao look like Sonic?

You can't make a Chaos Chao look like Sonic, but you can make a regular Chao look like him.

How do you get a hero chao?

You get a hero chao by raising a chao with a hero character. Pet it alot and feed it hero fruits. Eventually it will start to look like a hero chao and when it evolves, it will become a hero chao!

What does a hero chao look like in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?

this website has all of the chao evolution pics

How can you get a rouge chao?

just look up on youtube how can you get a rouge chao

What level do the spikes show up on your sonic chao?

at level 22 or at 20 you have to make sure you give your chao lots of chao fruits and also make sure you give it lots of green chao drives it should look alot like sonic or shadow

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how dose the caribbean shape like

How do you get a blitz chao?

It isn't called a "Blitz" Chao. It is a Two-Tone White, all you need to do is get a White Mono-Tone Chao and breed it with any Chao that isn't Mono-Tone, nor Two-Tone. After it hatches, it will look like a normal Chao. Give it Dark Fruit and it will look different. This applys with Nuetral, but isn't recommended with Hero Chao. Why must people call it a "Blitz" Chao? It isn't the correct term, and I find it very child-ish. But, it is the way it is called, and I cannot change that.

How do you get a tails chao in sonic adventure2 battle?

get a chao of any color hatch it give it lots of purple fly chao drives with tails until its fly is level 16 them evolve it at level 16 or 17 and it should look like tails

What are Jewel Chao?

Jewel chao are chao that have the look and colours of jewels. You can buy them if you have a gameboy advance and game link cable. They're expensive though.

How do you get an knuckles chao in SADX without ar or GameShark?

Get a red chao egg and wait until it hatches. Save the red eggshell. Then give it flying animals, when it evolves give it the eggshell, then it will look like a knuckles chao! This only works on SADX. I think.

How do you make an Amy chao and tails chao without action replay on sonic 2 adventure battle?

There are 2 ways to get that kinda look like a Amy chao - 1st way The old Amy rose from the old sonic series you buy a pink egg or a shiny pink egg and make it neautral Run/Run and it will look like the Amy from the old sonic series. -2nd way Get a red egg or shiny red egg Give it 2 skelton dogs and give it either a pink or shiny pink egg shell and have the chao wear it and it will look like Amy a little bit (Amy has a red dress and boots so that's why a red or shiny red chao and Amy has pink hair so that's why a shiny or regular pink eggshell) (i don't like this one)

How do you make a sonic chao'sturn blue?

Take a normal baby chao and give it lots of running animals like rabbits oh and make sure you do this is sonic dx. Once it evolves it will look like sonic!