It stands for Winskeet 1 which is what Winchester called their skeet choke. It is .05 of constriction which is midway between Cylinder and IC.
By patterning with different ammo, you may be able to tighten this a bit if you wish, as harder shot patterns tighter. It stands for Winskeet 1 which is what Winchester called their skeet choke. It is .05 of constriction which is midway between Cylinder and IC.
By patterning with different ammo, you may be able to tighten this a bit if you wish, as harder shot patterns tighter.
The "WS" on a Winchester Model 12 stands for Winchester Skeet and it has a full solid rib and is a reasonably rare find these days. As a rule, "WS" stands for "Winchester Special", I've never heard of it in relation to a shot gun. So far as I know "WS" only refers to rifles. Where did you see the mark? it may be an inspector's stamp.
100-1000 USD
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 12 pump action shotgun was made in the year 1923.
Winchester Special
If the "WS" follows a number (i.e. 32 WS) it stands for Winchester Special and is part of the name of a cartridge.
If the "WS" follows a number (i.e. 32 WS) it stands for Winchester Special and is part of the name of a cartridge. in calif.
AnswerWs stands for wounds.
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1950.
In crochet terminology, the abbreviation "ws" stands for "wrong side."
No such model number in Winchester line