Any type of greenish discharge means that there is an infection present, which could be the reason for the sore cervix. If someone has greenish discharge it could also be a yellowish green, greenish white, or a slight variation of tint, but any type of greenish discharge is an alert of infection. Call your local OBGYN and schedule a pap smear. All they will do is take a look at your cervix and swab it with something like looks just like a Q-Tip. The procedure doesn't take any longer than 10 minutes and your on your way home. You'll have to wait a week or so for your results but if they notice a definite infection, they will prescribe antibiotics right there, and most likely they will prescribe something on the spot if they can see the discharge. They only cost 4 dollars if you go to the Walmart Pharmacy.
If you are experiencing these symptoms you need to see your doctor for tests to diagnose what is wrong and get appropriate treatment - you cannot rely on an online source to diagnose you. Most likely this is Trichomonniasis - this is a very common STI transmitted via sex or via items such as wet towels or bathing suits.
No, it means you have an infection.
It could mean you have some sort of infection/std, and should get it checked out.
It proably means your breasts are growing. About the discharge, you should talk to a trusted female adult or your doctor.
Its highly possible ive heard im in the same boat :(
Green discharge may be caused by gonorrhea. Many people infected with gonorrhea will not notice any unusual discharge. See your health care provider for screening if you are at risk.
Sounds like a yeast infection to me. You can get over the counter medication for that.
The question here should really be when CAN you feel your cervix
If your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back, this might mean you are about to start your period. It could also mean that you are ovulating.
The medical term for the surgical removal of the cervix is "subtotal hysterectomy."