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Santa and Jesus both have kind, giving hearts. That is what makes life and relationships with people important: what we give from our hearts.

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Q: What does Santa have to do with Jesus being born?
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Related questions

What Santa Claus traditions?

not all santa claus for Christmas is traditions some people take Christmas in the church repecting and having a celebration when Jesus was born because that is what it is all about not the presents not santa the day jesus was born.

Was Santa Claus born before christ?

no.............. jesus was born even before we came to be.

Is there such thing as Santa or is it not true?

There is a real santa because i did a srch and some histrey and it said santa lived 300 yers befro Jesus was born.

How many years has santa been delivering presents?

Basically ever since Jesus was born. The three wise men were forerunners to the more modern santa.

Was Jesus born as a sinner?

Yes He was and He stayed that way.

Does Santa believe in Jesus Christ?

According to most stories, no, Santa has not met Jesus. There is actually much speculation to whether or not Santa ever met Jesus. Most stories do not tell of Santa ever meeting Jesus, so the answer would be no, Santa has never met Jesus.

How did Santa get to be Santa?

Santa became Santa when he died and Jesus locked him in a cupboard for 50 years kicked him back down to earth, he then landed on a reindeer. but as he was being kicked out of heaven he grabbed onto Jesus cloak and all his confiscated items fell down with him, he then flew around on the reindeer giving these items as gifts to people, and the legends begins.

How long does Santa live for?

Santa Claus has been alive since Jesus was born

What does Jesus's birth have to do with Santa?


Why does Santa deliver on Dec 25th?

December 25th is said to be the day Jesus was born. It is Jesus' birthday, adn you usually get presents on birthdays. But since Jesus was said to give his life for us, we receive presents.

How old is santa clase?

I'm pretty sure that Santa Claus is around 650 because I heard he was born in the 1500's but other than that Christmas was invented in the year 0 BC as it was named after Jesus and that's when he was born.

Why did Jesus call his mother women?

because Jesus was born in spirit not in human being from Mary's womb