On a jailbroken iPhone means you're restarting the home screen, is usually used when you made changes that need a restart to be applied, usually takes less time than restarting the whole iPhone, is named "Respring" after the Home screen process that's called "SpringBoard"
Take it to a professional.
REBOOT, but DON'T just Respring
Actually it is better to take it to a big truck shop and they can respring them and add extra springs if you want.
No all it does it do it for you if you have a passcode it tells you to put it in, the only thing you have to do is click a icon on your ipod after respring to reboot it! Hope this helped!
Try holding the Home (bottom button, the circle) and the Power (the one of the top) for 10 seconds to restart it. If that doesn't work, you will have to restore :( or you can use ibooty from ih8sn0w set your idevice on dfu then run it. it will look like restore but is not.
1st,your iphone has to be jailbroken. After that,download winterboard. I is free. U can download it using cydia. Next, search in cydia for any theme you want. After downloading the theme that you want, go to winterboard. The theme that you downloaded should be in there. Select it and your device will respring. Congratulations! U now have a theme.
I have updated my ipod touch to IOS 5.0.1 and jailbroke it with redsn0w, i also use cydia and winterboard whenever i download a theme with winterboard it will only change the wallpaper not the clock, battery or slider. it will sometimes make sound. even when i download a slider individually it still wont show after i respring
No, but multitasking can be enabled if you Jailbreak your ipod touch. Use greenposi0n.com jailbreak website to download jailbreak program. Jailbreak iPod touch Then use loader to download cydia app. go into cydia and search multitasking. then install multitasking enabler. Go into winterboard checkoff the multitasking enable option respring and you will have multitasking.
you have to restart springboard. the easiest way to do this is but downloading SBSettings from cydia then after that's downloaded slide your finger across the top part of your itouch (do this from home screen or page that displays apps. both are the same) and a screen should come up that has a couple options. from this click the icon that says Respring. your iPod will restart springboard.
well, ipod touch is 100% safer than iphone because the ipod touch is little bit locked in becuz iphone is released to anything att wants. but in jailbreak terms if u did jailbreak anything u install on ipod the ipod will handle on sertain ammounts which your iphone will just crash and reboot or respring cycle.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --SP-I-G. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter S and 4th letter P and 6th letter I and 8th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are: displing respring upspring
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern R--PR-N-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter R and 4th letter P and 5th letter R and 7th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: resprang respring resprung