A gigabyte is 1000 megabytes. A megabyte is 1000 bites. A kilobyte is 1000 bits. 702.2 KB is less then 1 Megabyte.
0.00195 KB equals 2 bytes
2.2 x 10-8
If you mean uploading files...HTML Form (front-end):Filename:PHP (upload_file.php)Thank You Google & w3schools (http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp)
I didn't mean it!I mean, seriously what's your problem?You are being so mean.
Did you mean: 'How much bytes in 1 KB?' If you did: the answer is 1000 bytes in 1 KB.
KB refers to space, KB means Kilobyte.
The 14k means it is gold and the kb is the maker or company.
kick back
512 kb is 512 kilobites.
If you mean kbs as killabites then there is 1000 kb in a mb therefore there is 400 kb in 0.4 of a mb
do you mean kb (kilo bytes)? If so: 1mb =1000 kb. Thus 1024mb = 1024000kb
I think you mean: "a 123 kb file uses how many sectors?" It should be 1...
KB = Kilo bytes which is equal to 1,000 bytes :)
if you mean how many their are 1024 kb in one mb their are 1024 mb in one gb their are 1024 gb in one tb
the term GB what does it mean the term MB what does it mean the term MHz what does it mean the term KB what does it mean the term bytes what does it mean ? i see the terms on my computer and i would like the defnition of each one.
181 kb is bigger than 1.41 kb.