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Cassius tells Messala that today is his birthday.

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Q: What does Cassius confide to messala before the battle?
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What belief does Cassius express to messala before the battle?

I sont onow

Why do Brutus and Cassius fight before entering battle?

U are awesome. Brutus and Cassius fight because Brutus was angry at CAssius. When Cassius was sleeping Brutus came in with a knife. SO close that almost Cassius died but no Cassius woke up and took a knife beside him and knife fight Brutus. It was so long because Cassius threw a knife at Brutus And Brutus DIED

Why does Caius Cassius indirectly kill himself in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

At the final battle- as the forces of Brutus and Cassius go against the triumvirate of Octavius, Antony and Lepidus- Brutus sees and opening in the flank of Octavius' army and attacks. Though Brutus strikes a great blow against their opposition, the attack was so early and leaves Cassius' forces enclosed by Antony's army. As his camp is set ablaze in the distance, and army approaches. Cassius sends Titinius to check to see if the army is Brutus' or not. Messala watches as Titinius rides off on the distance, and reports to Brutus what appears to be Titinius being ran down on horseback. A cheer is heard in the distance, which is taken by Cassius as a celebratory sound from Antony's army that they have killed Titinius. Out of grief of sending one of his closest friends to his death, and by the apparent doom of the situation, Cassius has Messala run him through with the same blade he used to kill Caesar, setting his bondman free with his death. *** p.s. It turns out Titinius didn't die, and that he was greeted with cheers by Brutus' army, but good ole' hasty Cassius had to go and kill himself honorably before he was captured... fool :) *** titinius did die, he killed himself because he saw the dead body of Cassius

Does Brutus or Cassius die first?

Cassius perished before Brutus.

What was Muhammad Ali's name before he before he changed it?

He was originally named Cassius Clay.

How does Cassius respond to the death of brutus?

Cassius does not respond to the death of Brutus as Cassius dies before Brutus does. Brutus responds to Cassius' death with tender words.

How did Cassius's death help pindarus?

Pindarus i Cassius' slave, therefore before Cassius dies, he tells Pindarus that he shall be free after his death. Cassius death helps Pindarus because since Cassius is his master, and he dies, Pindarus is freed.

Before he changed his name what was Cassius Clays middle name?

Marcellus ( Cassius MARCELLUS Clay ) >> Muhammad Ali.

In 'Julius Caesar' how does Cassius's death help Pindarus?

Pindarus i Cassius' slave, therefore before Cassius dies, he tells Pindarus that he shall be free after his death. Cassius death helps Pindarus because since Cassius is his master, and he dies, Pindarus is freed.

What is the exposition inciting incident rising action climax falling action and denouement in the tragedy of Julius Caesar?

On the Plains of Philippi, Mark Antony's and Octavius' forces face Brutus' and Cassius' forces. The two sides insult each other, Mark Antony and Octavius then leaving with their army.Later in battle with Mark Antony and Octavius, Brutus sends orders via messenger Messala to Cassius' forces on the other side of the battlefield.Cassius' forces are losing ground to Mark Antony's forces. Brutus has defeated Octavius' forces but instead of reinforcing Cassius' forces, have instead sought out spoils or bounty from the field.

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What was the champs name before he changed it to Muhammad ali?

Cassius Clay