In Japanese it means before, earlier, in front of etc. In Chinese though it may have a different meaning.
which tattoo?she has ALOT
Joshua's chest tattoo has his son's name on it, which is 'Jaciyah'
The Female Boss
before you, i serve nothing.
Casey Anthony's tattoo on her shoulder is written in Italian, Bella Vita, which translated to English is "beautiful life".
He gave her a tattoo on his arm. The tattoo was a saint. the saint helped bring Anthony his baby. Hope this answered your question!! :)
which tattoo?she has ALOT
There are no pictures and no reports that say Missy Peregrym has a tattoo.
His tattoo says broken
See the link below.
By my cousin here in Denver, no lie. He's the best.
You can say: Anthony es divertido. Anthony es gracioso. Anthony es charro.
Chad Sugg's tattoo says ""
According to Kopecky, Toews has a tattoo but he didn't say where/of what.
that would be impossible because the dragon tattoo on his arm means he is 20
Not sure, i can't seem to find any pics of it, or any info about it