AL = Alcoholics, ANON = Anonymous Al-Anon is a support group for friends and relatives of alcoholics. Read more: What_does_al-anon_stand_for
"Al" in Al-Anon originally stood for "Alcoholics," as the program was founded to support family members and friends of alcoholics. However, today the organization is known as Al-Anon Family Groups to reflect its broader focus on supporting individuals affected by any type of addiction.
Al can be short for Alcohol as in Alanon or Alateen Aluminum Alan, Albert
Al=alcoholic an=anonymous o= organization If you mean AlAnon, that is a recovery program for the families of alcoholics.
There are more than 24000 Al-Anon and over 2300 Alateen groups worldwide.
There is a Al-Anon meeting near Enumclaw Friday May 29th in Port Orchard.
Al stands for Alabama
Al-Anon can be accessed through their official website under the name Alateen. There one can use the website by viewing other peoples' stories and sharing one's own.
Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr.
I Stand Alone - Al Kooper album - was created in 1968.
Bored to Death - 2009 The Alanon Case 1-2 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:9
'Al' in arabic, literally means 'The'
If you are not in Saudi Arabia , then you stand in a direction facing Saudi Arabia . If you are in Saudi Arabia , but not in Makkah , then you stand facing Makkah . If you are in Makkah , but not in Haram then you stand facing Al Haram Al Makky . If you are in Haram , then you face Al Kaaba .