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It means 2 persons in the room. Normally expressed as a limitation to stop you paying for a small room and squeezing 4 people in.

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Q: What does 2 pax mean in a hotel?
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What does 2 pax mean?

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"PAX" means persons, guests at a hotel. "Extra pax 12 euros a day" means that extra persons - in excess of a given room rate for a specific number of pax (persons) - are charged 12 euros per person per day.

What is ARP in hotel industry?

Average rate per pax

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The Latin phrase "Pax vobiscum" means "Peace [be] with you" (the verb "to be" is often left unexpressed in Latin).It is frequently used in the Christian Mass.Pax vobiscum is "Peace [be] with you" (the verb "to be" is often left unexpressed in Latin)..

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Pax means peace. More likely the salutation would be pax vobiscum translated as peace be with you.

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Pax means "peace" and terra means "earth". Pax terra is missing something; it should probably be pax in terra, "peace on earth".

What does pax means in scuba diving?

BEDS 1 PAX = 1 BED 2 PAX = 2 BEDS etc Probably diving Egypt right??

What does pax mean in accommodation?

"Pax" means "Passenger" or "Person", a Passenger can be an adult, child or infant.

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'Peace to the unconquered'

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Peace to mankind