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22 Magnum Rim Fire

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Q: What does 22 MRF CTG mean on the barrel of the AirLite revolver?
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What does ctg mean when stamped on the barrel of a 38 special Smith Wesson 6 shot revolver?

ctg = cartridge

What is the value of a colt diamondback 38 special CTG 4 inch barrel revolver?

50-500 usd

What is the value of a colt diamondback 38 Special CTG 2 inch barrel revolver?

2k What is this value based on

How do you find all the markings on a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg revolver?

careful examination of barrel, butt, crane, receiver.

I have a 38 sw ctg serial 921860 it has 6 barrel and is a 6 shot revolver how old is it?

Impossible to answer withou knowing who made it.

What is the value of an early 1970's well maintained Colt Diamondback 4 barrel 38 special ctg revolver?

About $250 in excellent condition.

What is the value of a 38 sw special ctg stamped on right side of barrel 6-cylinder revolver no patent date left side of barrel smith and Wesson?

Age of smith Wesson serial no 5K4166

What is the age and value of a dan Wesson 357 magnum ctg?

Between $150-250, depending on model, barrel, and condition. In my opinion, an excellent revolver that is underappreciated. Durable, reliable, and accurate.

What is a dan Wesson 357 ctg revolver serial number 334029 worth?

From $175-300, depending on exact model, barrel, and condition. In my opinion, excellent revolvers that are under-appreciated.

What would be the age and value of a 32 long ctg 6shot 4.5 inch barrel revolver with last patd showing SEPT 1909 SER 215860?

Impossible to answer without knowing who made it.

What different types of ammunition can be used in a Smith and Wesson 32 caliber military and police model 1905 hand ejector 2nd change revolver on the barrel is stamped 32 Winchester ctg?

32-20. Does not interchange with other .32s. Good cartridge, good revolver.

Smith and Wesson 38 ctg 5 shot revolver?

Model 32 is one.