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happy Easter

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Q: What do you write in an Easter card?
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What should you write in an Easter card?

you should write "Happy Easter I hope the Easter bunny stops by". or you can write "Don't get fat eating chocolate"

How do you write a thank you card for an Easter basket?

by giving it eggs

What will you give your best friend for Easter?

the biggest massive easter egg in the supermarket or a friend ship necklace or a easter bonnet and a grand easter card

How do you write happy Easter in Portuguese?

Happy easter is feliz Páscoa in portuguese.

Can you buy Easter baskets candy and Easter clothes with a link card?

Anything that is not eatable you cannot buy with a link card, yes candy, no clothes, or the basket.

When was the first Easter card sent?

check your anser

What is the meaning of the foreign language word Carte de Paques?

Carte de Paques is a French language phrase. The English translation means Easter card or card of Easter in its precise translation. An Easter card celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, in the Christian tradition, by His return to life after death and burial.

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I want to send a card for the 12th April to Guernsey, but Easter Mon is on the 8th so when should I post my card to be sure it gets there on time

How do you make an Easter card?

When I make Easter cards i need these supplies: Paper, envelope, markers (or colored pencils or crayons, which ever one works for you),ruler, and something to have underneath the paper. So what I usually use is crayons, so i put the paper on something flat to write on, and then on all of the sides i make a border, except all out of Easter eggs! And then i put an extra border around the eggs so my words don't hit the eggs. After that I write, Happy Easter! at the top and then underneath i write things like: Dear ___, I hope you have a great Easter and have fun on the scavenger hunt to find them! Your kids will probably be seeing the dentist soon after this! sincerely, _______ And then on the bottom right corner (unless you are behind the page, then it's bottom left) i would draw an Easter bunny waving. I hope my answer helps and i hope you take my advice! Have a great Easter!

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Will the Easter bunny write back?

Possibly, if your parents are that nice...