You can go as Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne or anything similar
Justin Bieber, usher, Jesse mcartney.
Tommy Hilfiger
You could have a movie premiere, one that you created or something, have cameras out, etc.
get a cute little dress and put a belt with it if you are country wear cowboy boots with it if you are not wear flats or heels with it.AND YOUR WELCOME
You definitely should hire a pop singer/band that can play Rihanna's music at the party. You can hire performers such as this pop singer for private parties:
The cast of Spanking Tea Party - 1994 includes: Ava Hollywood
have a fashion for fun
bright colors
BikiniBootsBlue blouseBaseball hat
if you want to go to a party then wear the tango themed
a candy shirt with a skirt and a candy crown
Tommy Hilfiger
I am having a Olympic themed party as well, I think if you can find the Australian teams jersey but then again I think you would have already had it by Now but who cares
Wear something elegant and classy or edgy and daring like a dress or a nice suit.
safety themed party
A Hula skirt, Havaiana thongs and lots of decorations in your Hair.
A great game is of coarse celebrety heads name that celebrity(like sherrrads)
any costume to do with world championship