Fat calipers are used to get the percentage of body fat one has. They are pretty easy to use, you simply take a skin fold of your skin and place it in between the calipers, you do this at several locations on your body. For more detailed information try sport-fitness-advisor dot com and you tube has a few videos on how to use a fat caliper.
Skin fold calipers are actually one of the most affordable measurement tools used for assessing body composition. They are cost-effective compared to other methods like DEXA scans or hydrostatic weighing, making them a popular choice for fitness and health professionals.
This is a test whereby a fat fold (typically the triceps area of the upper arm, in addtion to abdominal areas) is measured by skin calipers in order to estimate percent body fat.
The medical term for the vertical fold of skin on either side of the nose is "nasolabial fold."
The circular fold of skin at the entrance to the vagina is called the hymen.
Vernier calipers are in use in machine shops throughout the world. Of course, they are gradually being replaced by digital calipers but, plenty are still in use in England.
Scales. Skin can only do 3 things: fold out into feathers fold inward to form hair get thicker to form scales
Sorry dont know
a plicae is a fold of the skin whereas a rugae is an expandable fold of an internal organ e.g stomach
To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive and they are readily available to buy. If you are female, your percentage of body fat should probably be about 15 to 20% for good health. For males the percentage of body fat should probably be about 10 to 15% for good health.
Fat calipers can be replaces cheaply and they are a good tool to help other bodybuilders. Unlike high cost difficult to use methods, fat calipers are easy to use and can be purchased for approximately $30.00 at www.bodybuilding.com.