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Yes, I seriously think about smoking. Smoking is very unhealthy because the cigarette made of tobacco and not good at all for our health. so that my suggestion are this; don't use cigarettes.

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Q: What do you think about the smoker?
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What should one look for when purchasing a gas smoker?

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Is Robert plant a smoker?

No,i don't think so....

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no i rlly do think so

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i do not think brad paisley is a pot smoker

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Why is non smoker better than a smoker in racing?

Because non smoker's have WAYYY better health then a smoker in racing.

Is Andy sixx a smoker?

yea Andy sixx does smoke but i think it makes him even hotter!

Is Megan Fox a smoker?

no but she has taken drugs and she want maruwana (i think that's how its spelled) to be legal.

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Non Smoker

Who shares the same smoke filled air with a smoker but is not a smoker themselves?

a passive smoker

Is peter fachenille a smoker?

yes he is a smoker

Is Joe Don Rooney a smoker?

No he is not a smoker.