

Best Answer
  • I think of it just the same as heterosexual marriage. I don't think of it any different, gay couples in my eyes are just the same as straight couples. We are all human, regardless of who we love or are attracted to. I believe in equality for all, and I hope one day that dream will come true.
  • Love is love. A man/man or a woman/woman who are in love should be able to marry just as well as a man and woman who are in love. A man or woman who are heterosexual and promiscuous are the one who shouldn't marry.
  • People cannot help but to fall in love, and with whom is something they cannot help. Homosexuality is not a choice, I've known many to try to deny their feelings but in the end nature cannot be denied. Love is love.

    It seems to me that if two people can live happily together regardless of their sexual orientation then that is great.

  • Personal opinions about various issues pertaining to same sex marriage will differ due to different outlooks and conceptions about it.
  • One opinion (which others made supplement) is that marriage in general is not necessary and a problem with making marriage available to more people (like same sex partners) is increasing the amounted of married persons will make it more difficult to vote to repeal marriage as an institution.
  • While some may view same-sex marriage as a 'war on marriage', as someone who does war on it, I personally see it as an impediment to getting rid of it since more would vote to keep it around.
  • Yes, I am in favor of same-sex marriage.
  • Nothing positive.
  • That is entirely a matter for the people involved and shouldn't really concern anyone else.
  • I don't think is right, & in The Bible it says that God made the male and the female to be together not male with male and female with female.

    but where are no one to judge.

  • & If thats what makes them happy then Good for them (:
  • Marriage is marriage regardless of the sex. Hebrews 13:4

wether people agree or disagree it is the rights of the couple to decide on aspects relating to their own lives
Yes, as of 2014, about 59% of the population (including me) agree with same-sex marriage.
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I agree with the United States Supreme Court: same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry and no US state or territory may deny them their civil rights.

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