Ahh this one is a complicated one I admit! So you should look up on wiki answers of coarse HOW TO KNOW WHEN A GUY LIKES YOU that way you can know for sure that he likes you let me give you some starter signs:
Does he stare at you often when he thinks your not looking? (THATS A BIG ONE)
Does he blush when you look over?
Is he either really nice or a bit mean to you?
Does he laugh or talk louder around you?
Does he act cool or wierd in front of you?
Does he brush up against u and do any thing he can to play with your hair or touch u?
Does he try and embaress his friends in front of you?
Is he friends with one of your friends?
Ok if you said yes to at least 3 of those and your not saying, "Well kinda..." Then he most likely likes you. My advise be cool about it and smile say hi and watch his reaction dont do it in front of your friends but especially his friends flirt by looking up on wiki answers how to flirt give it a week to notice the signs then if your absolutly SURE he likes you or at least 80% sure then say this:
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me some time?
Hey I know this is kinda wierd and its cool if you dont but do you have a crush on me?
Or write him a note (Anyomanos) Saying do you have a crush on ........?(Last resort)
Remember dont push it and dont be boy crazy that was the mistake I made!!! Just stay cool and plan it all out so you have a response to every thing
SO I was wondering if you had a crush on me? -Well no not really (smirks)- Oh! good! Im so glad I was hopping you didnt
SO I was wondering if you had a crush on me?- Yeah I kinda do-Oh really sweet! Wanna get together some time? -Sure!-Cool
Have people to run to and to back you up go with your heart! PS is he cute???? JK :D
he likes the number 3000 right im not really sure
anything you want- whether it's something you love e.g. who likes what kind of chocolate, or something you find boring ;)
M and Ms were invented just for the likes of it really. Don't trust me? Then make your own thoughts kid!
Sally likes squares. Therefore, she likes me and she likes 1600. Yup 225=15^2 900=30^2 1600=40^2
he likes her but he also dislikes her. he likes her because they grew up together and here is a clue everytime a vampire touches her he gets mad. He dislikes her because she likes the vampire Kaname. - Yes Zero likes Yuki, like said before he also dislikes her. In the manga when they say goodbye Zero grabs Yuki and kiss her, but Yuki choose Kaname.
Get something that he really really likes.
DO something he really likes
well if you think she likes you and you like her ask her out or something, it really pays off:)!!
talk to him about it,then u do something he really likes.
It's slang for really likes someone or something.
If he truley likes you and something really goes wrong, he will still like you .
know what he likes and get him something like that or buy a movie he likes but does not own
It could mean just that, that he like something about you. How he likes you is another matter. Does he view you as a friend or a lover? Perhaps it might be best to ask him what he really meant.
She might be a little bored with the relationship... So try to do something big, and something she likes! If she likes romance, do something romantic to sweep her off her feet!
Well, obviously he would want to date with you if he really likes you unless something is stopping him from dating you. Hopefully, you'll have your answer for him when he asks you out. Mac
Don't say no. Be supportive of her. I mean if she really likes something help her with it??
no she might get embarrsed but if it is something she really likes probably yes.