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personally, I would first build a relationship with him/her as a friend first. Say hi, strike up a conversation, and make them like you through your words and reactions. Once you've built up a relatively good relationship, ask them to a movie or something (casually of course) and judge how much he/she likes you based on their reaction to you asking. If they make a dumb excuse not to go, they don't like you. If they say sure, they either like you as a friend or they like you but don't want to show it yet. If they say yes excitedly or say they'd love to but some other time (like they're really busy) then they like you. It's all about racking up the courage to ask. =)

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10mo ago

You can try saying "I have feelings for you that go beyond friendship." Be honest and open about your emotions, but also be prepared for any response from your friend. Communication and clarity are key in situations like these.

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15y ago

"Uh, listen. I've kinda got a thing for you. Just wanted to get that out there. Do with it what you will."

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Q: What do you say to tell your friend you fancy them?
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If you fancy some one how do you tell them?

If you like some one but you don't know how to tell them. Well its easy, all you have to do is get your best friend to go up to them and then your friend can tell them and say their name and say that this person Fancies you or you can write them a note and put your name on the end of it!

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you punch them in the mouth

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Don't say anything fancy, just tell him right out. He may get confused if the word choice is really complicated.

How do you tell your friend you might fancy her without ruining your friendship and you're a girl?

You dont.

How can I tell if the boy I fancy fancys me too?

Well, if you really want to know, you can get a friend to ask, but make sure they don't say that you really want to know. Try getting your friend to say this: "do you fancy ......?" or "do you like .................?" It works, trust me! I would but none of my friends actually know him coz I'm in a club that they don't even no exists! But thanks anyway!

What do you do if your best friend fancy you but you fancy someone else?

I hate that situation. I currently, am in it. But I ended up telling him it'd be "healthier if we just stay friends" He/She is your best friend. Yu can tell them anything.

What do you do if someone fancies you?

Well if you do not fancy them but they fancy you, you should say "I want to be your friend but I am not ready to go out with someone at the moment". and if you do fancy them, try and get to know them, then see what happens!!:D

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say it in there face

What do I say to my friend when her son is expelled from school?

oh dear. Fancy a coffee some time ??

How do you say to your friend that you like his girlfriend?

I would say your not much of a friend if you actually tell him.

What do you do if your friend likes the boy that you fancy?

Try being better then your friend and whatever you do dont tell your friend you like him she might get mad always dress in you best clothes or you can be yourself

What should you do if your friend told the girl you fancy her?

I'm not sure if this works be nice, be polite, and don't be shy because all the info the girl you fancy's friend goes straight to the person you fancy so don't slip up.