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You can just reply with a hey,how are you ? or something similar.You can do for the line hey,handsome wassup ? .That is your style how you reply to that question.

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Q: What do you say after a guy says hey cutie to you?
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When a guy greets you with hey cutie?

he is somehow attracted to you in a cute way so just smile and say heyy(:

How do you react when some one says I love you to you?

if youre a girl you say aww and ily too if your a guy say thank you cutie

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you could say something like, "hey babe" or baby, or hey hottie. you know, something like that, or don't say anything. just look at him and give him a really cute smile.

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well if its a guy say whats up my man, or something to keep him on the tip of his chair. as for if its a girl say, hey gal what u up to or something to make her feel special.

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It goes like this... "Hi!" and he says ... "Hey!" piece of cake

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"Helloooo, cutie!" or "Hey, honey!" or "You're one hot babe." Something like that.

How do u ask out a guy?

Simple.. say "hey wanna go out with me?" or "yo, wanna go out sometime?" and if he says no you can say you were just kidding or haha okay

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after the guy says to tell that one guy to say hey or what ever u have to go talk to him and go back into the cave where he got the treasure

How do you say i like you to a guy?

"Hey, I like you."

What to talk about with a guy?

Well It depends on what he likes. Say he likes video games. You would say "Hey, have you played the new "Call of Duty Modern War Far 2". Then if and when he says yes or no you just go along with what he says.

What are some flirty comments to say when liking a boy?

Well If Your'e Younger say Hey What's Going On but if your older and bolder add on Cutie or your specail twist.

What do you say to a guy when he says why?

Why not!