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A minor is an under 18 year old

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11mo ago

"Minor" typically refers to an individual under the legal age of adulthood, usually under 18 years old. It can also refer to something that is of lesser importance or significance compared to something else.

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Which word is an antonym for minor?

The answer depends upon which meaning of the word minor that you are thinking about. If you mean minor as in underaged, the opposite would be an adult. You could also say "of age." If you mean minor league, the opposite would be major league. If you mean minor as in small or insignificant, the opposite would be important.

What minor character mean?

it mean a common idea

What are the chords in an a minor?

If you mean what are the notes in and an A minor chord, the notes are A, C, and E.

What key is d minor related to?

If you mean in terms of relative minors, D minor is the relative minor of F major.

What does sex exploit of minor mean?

It means that someone has enticed a minor to do illegal acts. Having sexual contact with a minor is illegal.

What does minor mean when dealing with literary terms?

Minor would mean a character who does little in the story. Not a major character, they do not appear very often.

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Do mineur

What does under the age of 18 mean?


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Polaris is the brightest star in Ursa minor but that does not necessarily mean that it is the biggest.

Why is e major sad?

you mean E minor, no I personally think E major is the saddest major key, and C minor the happiest minor key.

What is Am in chords?

If you mean A minor, it is A, C (natural) and E.

What does the latin word minor mean?

Less; smaller