internal liability mean that company will pay salary, so salary is internal liability, and the company will pay interest to bank it is external liability.
Any amount which is returnable by the company to it's owners or outsiders on the event of dissolution of company that amount is called liability of company
downstream liability is one of threats to the information security which mean that : if a company A's ,company its name A,information system is compromised by perpetrator ,attacker, and used to attack company B's ,company its name B, then a company A can be liable for damage to company B . the company B is "downstream"company in this attack scenario . that put A's security and operation on trial . done by Maad Sameer
Yes its a type of internet you use internally in the work place
A limitation (a cap) of liability clause is a contractual provision that restricts the amount of damages a client can recover from a company. Uncapped liability is a liability without a limit.
current liability
The total amount of debts payable by a business to its owners are called internal liabilities e.g., capital.Example-For a company Internal liability mean that company will pay salary, so salary is internal liability, and the company will pay interest to bank it is external liability.
what does internal and external client mean?
external means- you have to ask your mum for a SHAG internal means- you have to ask your dad for a SHAG
a sale that's not external
Limited Liability Company.
Exophyte is an internal or external Plant Parasite
The things that something or someone can do.
Internal factors to be considered would be the company and how it will be changing in the next five years, how much money they will have, and what kind of staff training is available. External factors might be the climate of the economy.
No. The word auditor doesn't only mean an internal auditor but also an external auditor. An auditor could be an internal or an external auditor. In most cases simply an auditor means an external auditor.
All of the organs of a female are internal. I'm not quite sure what you mean about external?
Limited Liability Corporation
Internal behavior is what occurs inside the mind as opposed to the behavior that is acted out in an external manner.