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You make a wish

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Q: What do you make when you blow out birthday candles?
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Do you blow out your birthday candles then make a wish?

You make your wish first, then blow out the candles. If you blow out the candles in one breath then your wish is supposed to come true.

Why do you blow out candles on a birthday cake?

You blow out candles on a birthday cake because, before you blow them out, you make a wish, and if you blow them all out in one try, your wish comes true. I've had experience! That, plus it is easier to cut the cake if the candles are not burning.

How do you get your sim to blow out the candles on sims 2?

You can have a child blow out candles on the day before or the day of their birthday by buying a birthday cake. Click on the birthday cake and choose Blow Out Candles.

What is an alliteration for your birthday?

Boldly blow out birthday candles.

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Which muscles are used to blow out birthday candles on a cake?


How do you make a pet have a birthday party in the sims 3?

You can't because pets aren't able to blow out candles.

What is a sentence for the phrase blow out or extinguish?

When you are presented your birthday cake, make a wish and blow out the candles. An electrical surge will often cause an overload and blow out a fuse.

Can you make your sims older faster?

Get a birthday cake then click on the birthday cake and click 'blow out candles' then choose the person you want to have a birthday or grow older. Then they will have there birthday even its before there birthday. x

Use the word blow in a sentence?

The strong winds caused the tree branches to blow in the storm.

How can you create a wish?

Blow all the candles out on your birthday cake in one go and you can make a wish....but don't tell anyone or it won't come true!

Is it bad luck to not blow out your birthday candles?

Oh no? You didnt?... God help us all.