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think about her age group. umm think about companies and brands that target her age group. observe her characteristics, hobbies, social demands

by social demands i mean by standards her age group should be at. a girl being at the age she is, she will be depending on her role models to develop in ways such as type of social language, behaviour, expectations by others..

social demands can consist of clothing styles, brands, belongings. being at the age of nine she may be developing a sence of independance of self dressing so maybe giving her a day at the mall to pick out her very own outfit and shoes, may give her the maturity of self presesntation.

hobbys, adding to her collection to what ever she likes. takeng her out to a theme park

characteristics such as loving hair products or make up, books or movies..

or if not, throw a party with face painters and blow up castles and one huge cake =D haha

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14y ago
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11y ago

8-year old girls can be very impressionable and often like to play role-playing games or games with dolls. Check out the sources and related links below for some great gift ideas for 8-12 year old girls.

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13y ago

Your best shot is to have a party with all of his/her friends. Ask what kind of party they would like to have. If it's a suprise party and you don't know what to do, then just get the thing you know he/she has been dying for. but having friends is your best shot. I'm sorry that i can't give direct ideas, but i don't know the gender of the child or what he/she is like. but i hope it helped some.

try amusement park or slip-n-slide in your backyard with friends. or have a giant tea party, take something he/she likes to do a lot, and make it HUGE.

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12y ago

if your friend is turning 8,get them something they'd like.if they like barbie's,get them a birthday barbie.if they like polly's, get them a Polly pocket.if they like Monster High, get them monster High. or if they like fashion stuff or make up, get them that.

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13y ago

maybe a phone or a guitar maybe even a jewrly box its almost my birthday its July 18 I'm turning nine peace!

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14y ago

I am an 8 year old girl and all I want for my birthday are tons of bratz dolls hope this helps :) xx

I have to be 9 and all i want are clothes, cds, and electronic devises _gagastar169

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