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Your crush may lie when anyone asks if him or her likes you but you can tell if him or her likes you if he constantly stares at you or follows you during recess or in the hallway. So don't instantly think him or her doesn't like you even if him or her says that!

Well, this actually happened to me, so I know the feeling. The first thing I did was think, is he worthy of having me? Sometimes after he/she rejects you, your mind flies, and it becomes harder to think straight. So, I would say if your crush likes someone else, wait and see if the person your crush likes he/she back. If not, give it some time and soon he/she will pick up the hints that the person he/she likes doesn't like them. From then and on, just confort he/she but dont over do it, or you might end up without having a chance with your crush. So take it easy!! Also I do agree with what was written above what I write.

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if you really like him or her you should tell him/her that you like him/her you shouldA Crush On A Boy And He Showfight for it . Correct Stand Up For Your Self At All Times. :,)

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you should find the courage to ask him out, if he turns u down, u may ask him why, if he says he likes someone else u may just have to move on, but there is always hope

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Technicaly, you can't GET someone to like you. But, you can always be nice, maybe (non-obviously) flirt a little, then, (maybe), eventualy, they might like you. Ta-Da!