Just be natural and act like nothing is wrong and then ask them to go out with you! Good Luck!
she might not be meaning to "flirt"
sounds like a player
That is something he only knows.
yeah...no point of goin after someone who dosent like you but there is probably someone special out there just for you!
Just like pull it down and and pull it up over your ears like wings
Only one thing you can do. Be a wannabe
Just be yourself. If they make it awkward take a break and hangout with someone else.
Nothing - he is in another relationship and regardless if you like whom he is dating or not they are still together and you should let them be and move on. Focus your future interest on someone single.
Forget it and move on and make sure he knows you moved on
well it can mean two things he likes you or he knows someone who likes you.
porbaly no
Someone is said to know his onions if he "knows his stuff" or "knows what he's talking about."