t account
Purchase a new iTunes gift card. Also, iTunes material can also be purchased by a credit card that is inserted in your account info. (Every iTunes user has to give a credit card number)
Go to the store menu in iTunes and select "View My Account". Sign in when prompted and all of your account information will display. To change your billing options click on the "Edit Payment Info" button on the right and from there you can put in the new information.
Once money is put in you cannot remove it or transfer it to another program.
You will need a credit card with your name on it for this to work. If you make the account and sign in to it on itunes, when you sink the ipod it should have your account on it.
just go into itunes and create a new account. u cant have more than one account on an ipod unless its on the computer too
When you get an iPod/mp3 player, i believe it goes strait to itunes, when you try to put money on the account, it will ask you to sign in or make an account/.
iTunes passwords are free. You make up your own password when you set up a free iTunes account.
why not download your own itunes account is much simpler
13 and up
You can make 2 accounts on iTunes by clicking "create account" twice.
You can create your Apple ID at appleid.apple.com, iTunes PC iTunes Mobile
An Itunes account is free
To use an iTunes Gift Card to pay for your songs click on the Redeem link in the Quick Links box (top right) on the iTunes store home page.
go on itunes and make an account its simple
you have to be 13 and have a credit card and follow the steps