Drink alot of water every time you smoke more it doubles if your system is clean it is about 3-4 days it may double every time you smoke more. first 3-4 second 6-8 third 12-16 and so on .....
Nothing but time will get mariguana out of your body - so if you want to get clean do not take it.
mariguana plant
Yeah. Freeze it and then pass it through a coffee filter.
Sorry but no
the mariguana plant is one of the best growing plants.
Nothing it takes 90 days to leave your system.
The usual spelling of the psychoactive herb (Cannabis sativa) is marijuana.
a speech about teenage life is that use of drugs, mariguana, pregnecy
neither, but Mariguana has less chemicals then cigarettes.
someone wetting themselves in the car because they couldn't get to a toilet quick enough