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Dry it

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Q: What do you do if your ipod touch gets wet?
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What if an ipod touch is wet and you put it in rice but dont turn it off?

If an iPod Touch is wet, it would most likely freeze or fry permanently. If you put that iPod in rice, that wouldn't help any. There is a slight possibility that the iPod would still work fine.

Can you charge Ipod touch on Xbox360?

Yes, My Ipod touch gets charged in my xbox 360 whilst i play it.

What happens if you upgrade your ipod touch?

it gets better

If an IPod Touch gets disabled until it gets connected to Itunes if you delete Itunes then reinstall it can you access the IPod?


I got my ipod touch wet and I don't have rice what do i do?

Dry it off quickly!

What to you do if your IPod touch gets stolen?

File a police report.

Can a wet iPod touch be fixed?

It depends, Sometimes if you put your ipod touch in rice and let it sit for 2-3 days the water will get soked up.... that is what i did with mine

If your ipod gets wet will it still work?

It's a 50/50 chance.

If you physically damage a jailbroken ipod touch such as getting it wet or damaging the screen will the warranty be any good?

Once jailbroken, the iPod Touch's one year warranty is void.

What do you do when a ipod touch gets in a washer?

curl up in a ball and cry

Can an iPod touch 3G gets a virus?

iOS Devices do not get viruses

Will apple replace a wet ipod touch?

Dropping a ipod in water is not covered in apple's warranty so if they find that the problem with the ipod is due to water they won't replace it