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just let him you will prob like it

it feels amazing and then you can ask him if u can smell his its amazing to feel in power

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Q: What do you do if your friend wants to smell your feet?
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How can a guy ask another guy to let him smell his feet?

it involves a close friend, your feet and some very strong vodka =]

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Ask yourself the same question. Why do YOU like popcorn.

How can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

because your feet sweat and the sweat sits there and releases a gas to make the smell. Thank you for using

Do bigger feet always smell more than smaller feet?

The size of the feet is not the reason they smell worse or better. It is usually hygiene or health that causes feet to smell bad ,,,, not their size.

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Everyone wants a friend or needs a friend and I'd like a best friend!!!just tell me your username

Should you borrow the clothes of your friend that has a bad smell?

If they don't smell, sure. If you want to wash them for your friend, sure. If they smell and you aren't going to wash them, then no.

Do dorito's smell like dogs feet?

no because usually dogs feet doesn't smell!!!!!

Why doe men like to smell womens feet?

Because to some men, feet are as beautiful as the woman's face, breasts etc. Not all men like to smell feet and those that do like to smell feet, do like all feet.

Girls would you make someone smell your feet if yes why?

ya i wanna know if my feet smell.

Why are my brother's feet smelly?

yes, they smell, they smell bad

Do heidi klums feet smell?

I'd love to smell them.