honestly yes, in a sense, you cant really have a normal dermal plate because theyre too long, but what I did was I used a labret piercing with rounded back plate in place of my tongue bar, making sure it was a snug fit and the labret plate actually worked its way into my tongue and I just left if for the bottom to heal.. its been 6 months and its perfectly healthy.. since then I have had ball bearings put in my tongue
If you mean like a lip piercing, it honestly doesnt matter what you eat. Its if you clean your piercing after you eat. I always mouth washed after i ate when i just got my lip pierced. Hope that helped :) for any piercing question please contact me kuusk8er8@hotmail.com :P P.S. oh yeuh dont eat hot foods if you dont like pain. i found that out the hard way xS
If its a captive bead/ball ring, you'll probably have to widen it a bit. Use pliers if you have them but if not, go ask your piercer. First try popping the bead out. If you cant just push it, put your nail between the ball and the end of the ring and try to wiggle it out. If its a stud, just unscrew the ball on the end. If its too tight, use gloves or a towel and ask a friend to do it.
you cant,
No A Monroe piercing is done with a micro labret stud in the upper left side of the top lip, you can not put a ring in that piercing because there is no room for a ring. This mimics the beauty mark Marilyn Monroe had on her lip, hence the name "Monroe".
You cant get a piercing without parental permission unless your 18 or older
there is absolutely nothing you cant eat
no y cant otherwise you will die
Your body may just heal really quickly. Piercings that people have had for years can close up in a few hours. Just make sure to always wear something in it. If you cant have it for work or school, get a clear retainer. Glass labret retainers are pretty good. the straight ones with the flat back, not the bent ones.
You have to be 18 or older to to get a piercing. So if your 18 your free to go. But if not no you cant. Also Kids do not Get a piercing. You can get a piercing at the age of 18 or older. Bye! :)
Piercing retainers are clear bioplastic retainers ment to be used when jewellery cant be worn (like at work or in school) and sit in the piercing to retain the piercing while the jewellery is out.
You cant do anything but get it re-pierced.