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Ring the emergency bell and wait.

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Q: What do you do if you get stuck in a elevator?
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What is elevator in microcontroller?

An elevator is an electronic device that transports people or goods in a vertical motion. A microcontroller embedded in the control system of an elevator is used to control the elevator's mechanisms.

The capacity of an elevator is either 20 children or 15 adults If 11 children are currently in the elevator how many adults can still get in?

2 can still get in.

How do elevator buttons work?

When you press the button, a microswitch creates a circuit. That circuit sends a signal to the elevator controller, which is a computer that runs the elevator. Instantly, the controller powers the light inside the button, which is usually an LED. At the same time, the elevator is dispatched to your location based on a mathematical formula. Once the elevator arrives, the LEDs in the button are turned off. Buttons vary greatly, but a generally divided into vandal resistant or plastic. Vandal resistance is typically defined as a metal button that lands on solid metal when depressed. See for examples of many kinds of buttons.

What are the Materials needed to make a elevator?

go to

Can you give me a timeline on j cooper who invented the elevator device in 1895?

The accredited inventor of the modern elevator is Elisha Otis, who in 1852, designed his elevator system. In 1854 he staged an astonishing demonstration at the Crystal palace exhibition, where he ordered an assistant to cut the rope!This emphatically demonstrated the safety of his emergency control system, and from that time, the world considered it safe to build skyscrapers.I find no reference to a J Cooper.The concept of practical small elevator was known from 200 BCE, but they were primitive machines.There was a Peter Cooper of New York (one time Presidential candidate, and successful businessman) who built a Cooper Union Building in New york in 1853, and in its design included an elevator shaft, confident that these machines would soon be of safe design. This shaft was circular, but Otis was able to rise to the design challenge. He was the son of a J Cooper.There are on google some references to a J Cooper, listed as African-American who invented an "elevator device", but whether this was a building accessory, or a shoe accessory, or an orthopedic device is not listed.In any event, the date for this reference is 1895, well after Otis.Good hunting!

Related questions

What should you do if you're stuck in a elevator?

try to get out

Name a movie charcater you would hate to be stuck in a broken elevator?

i would hate to be stuck in an elevator with the movie character the joker cuz he's as much as i like watching him in the dark knight i would not want to be stuck in and elevator with someone so dangerous and insane

How many times in The Nanny does Fran get stuck in an elevator?

I think two or three times. The one time she was stuck with Maxwell and then she went into labor in the elevator with C.C.

How many times did Justin Bieber get stuck in an elevator?

he got stuck in the evevator twice

When are phones required in NYC elevator cabs?

when you get stuck!

Why does elevator stuck up?

It must have a mechanical fault.

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How many people in a year get stuck in a elevator?


Does the nanny on the nanny give birth?

yes her water breaks in a elevator and the elevator gets stuck closed

What is the most common elevator problem that people encounter in high-rise buildings?

The most common elevator problem in high-rise buildings is mechanical breakdowns, such as doors getting stuck or the elevator getting stuck between floors.

What is the average number of times a person will get stuck in an elevator in their lifetime?

The average number of times a person will get stuck in an elevator in their lifetime can vary significantly depending on a number of factors such as how frequently they use elevators, the quality of the elevator maintenance, and the buildings they frequent. However, for most people, the number of times they get stuck in an elevator over their lifetime is likely to be very low.

How many times will the average person get stuck in an elevator?