

What do you do if another girl likes the same boy you like?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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8y ago

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You will make a contest and see whos the dumbest, and then u will take the smarter one.


if shes your friend-talk about come up with a agreement

if she isn't -find out if he likes her if he doesnt try to find out if he likes you


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Q: What do you do if another girl likes the same boy you like?
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I've been in the same position. If the guy is your friend ask him who he likes. If it's another girl then at least you know but if he hesitates then you know it's you. If he's not your friend then talk to people about him and sooner or later you'll find out. Hope this helps.

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Maybe, but no garuntee. they mite like it alot heee heee