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Q: What do you call people who are frightened of Santa?
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What do you call people who laugh when they are frightened?

It is simply called a 'nervous laugh' and some people will laugh if they are shy or frightened and it is not meant to be disrespectful, but just the way their body and mind react to being frightened.

What do people in Madagasgar call Santa Claus?

I don't know, what do people in Madagascar call Santa Clause?

What did people in Austria call Santa?

Santa Claus

Why do the people in Ireland call their Santa Santa Claus?

People in Ireland call him Santy, Santa and Santa Claus. Santa Claus comes from Saint Nicholas and can then be shortened to Santa Claus or just Santa or Santy. So people in Ireland use those names, like people in many countries do.

What do people call Santa Claus in China?

聖誕老人 that is how you call santa

What do people call Santa Claus in India?

They call him Santa Claus. Exactly the same name as you call him.

What do people in Antarctica call Santa Claus?

People in Antactica all came there from other countries, and they would call Santa whatever they call him in their native languages.

What do people call Santa Claus in Canada?

We canadians call him Santa Claus, also. Don't worry about it.

What do the Japanese people call Santa Claus?

They call him Santakukoru.

What do the English call Santa Claus?

People in England often call him Father Christmas, but some of them call him Santa Claus as well.

What does Britain call Santa?

Some people in Britain call him Santa Claus, but others call him Father Christmas, and other names.

What do they call Santa Claus in Pakistan?

People in Pakistan call Santa Claus Baba Christmas